Will Brink
William Brink is a contributing consultant, columnist, and writer for various health, bodybuilding, and medical publications. He is a well-known trainer who has worked with many high-level athletes ranging from professional bodybuilders, pro golfers and fitness contestants to Olympic hammer throwers.
Will is often invited to speak on the benefits of weight training and sports nutrition at conventions and medical symposiums. He is the author of Priming the Anabolic Environment, which can be found at any bookstore and his E-Books, Body Building Revealed and Fat Loss Revealed. In addition to his own writing, he regularly co-authors articles with notable scientists on various subjects relating to health and fitness.
Will's methods have been so effective he has appeared on numerous radio and television programs including the Atkins Radio Show. He has been invited to lecture on the benefits of supplements, weight training, nutrition and fat loss at universities and conventions in New York, Boston, Atlanta, Canada and other locations around the U.S.
Don't forget to check out Will's two superb ebooks:
Body Building Revealed - and Bodybuilding Supplements Review. Ultimate guide to gaining muscle mass.
Everything you need to know about diet & muscle building nutrition, over 50 bodybuilding supplements reviewed, weight training routines, high intensity cardio, the mental edge, pre made muscle building diets and an online private members forum. Click here ...
Fat Loss Revealed - Fat Loss Revealed is a complete blue print to fat loss success. 40+ Fat loss supplement reviews, workouts, cardio and the mental edge. Learn which diet and weight loss supplements burn fat fast and which are no more than hype. Discover a scientifically proven, totally personalized fat loss diet all within the next 10 minutes. Click here ...
Body Building Myths That Must Die
Brink's Unified Theory of Nutrition
The Whey It Is - What is whey? Strip away the myths and shatter the hyperbole surrounding this ultra popular supplement.
The Shell Game that is the "Proprietary Blend" Nutritional Supplement
Creatine : More than a Sports Nutrition Supplement - A substantial body of research has found that creatine may have a wide variety of uses.
So You Wanna Be a Fitness Model
The Whey To Weight Loss - Whey’s possible effects on weight loss.
Losing Weight, "Fat Loss Revealed" and Fitness