Nick Nilsson
Hi, my name is Nick Nilsson and I'm the author of the Mad Scientist Muscle program.
That's a picture of me... though I sure didn't start out that way! When I first started training, I was 17 years old and weighed about 145 lbs, soaking wet.
At that point, I was frustrated with my lack of muscle mass and decided to do something about it. I took weight training and I took up RESEARCH.
Taking and using what I learned in my research, in my first 8 months of serious training, I took myself from that skinny 145 lbs to a much bigger 217 lbs!
And over the past 20 years, I've dedicated myself to learning and developing the fastest and most POWERFUL ways to build muscle and strength.
I've been a contributing author in magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, Men's Fitness, Reps, and MuscleMag and I've had my articles published on more than 1,000 websites all over the world.
I've been a certified personal trainer for more than 12 years and have a degree in Physical Education, covering advanced biomechanics, physiology, kinesiology and anatomy. It's this base of knowledge that led me to become...
The Mad Scientist...
In the fitness industry, I'm known as the "Mad Scientist" for a reason...the training info I put out is FAR from the ordinary and it's EXTREMELY effective.
And that's what my "Mad Scientist Muscle" program is all about...using scientifically-based and backed training principles in very creative ways to literally redefine what it means to build muscle and strength FAST.
One of the most important things I want you to know about me is that I practice what I preach...my entire basement is a gym...a "lab" if you will :) and I'm down there all the time experimenting with new exercises, programs and training techniques.
Most Popular Muscle-Building, Fat Loss, and Weight Training eBooks on the Web:

Build muscle and strength with NO plateaus. This unique training system will take you every step of the way through reshaping your body and adding POUNDS of lean, rock-solid muscle.

Learn exactly how to eat and train to lose maximum fat as quickly as possible while keeping and even GAINING muscle mass.

Learn how to SHATTER your genetic muscle-building limitations by changing your body's physiology. Targeted training and nutrition will set the stage for EXPLOSIVE muscle growth!

Turn your weakest bodyparts into your strongest bodyparts. These programs are designed for fast results and continuous progress.

Learn the "never-before-seen" secrets of combining multiple types of resistances to get DOUBLE and even TRIPLE the results out of every single set you do!
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Triple Add Sets - A Revolutionary New Intensity Technique That Will Work ALL Your Muscle Fibers In One Set! - Looking for a new challenge in your workouts? The Triple Add Set is just what you need.
How To Do a Chin-Up If You've NEVER Done One Before - In this article, you'll learn all the steps and progressions you need in order get from zero to one!
Secret Training Tip #995 - How to Effectively Work and Build The Upper Chest - The upper chest/upper pec area just below the collar bones can be one of the toughest areas of the body to fully develop.
Got No Chest? How to Feel Your Pecs Actually WORK When You Do Chest Training - If you have a hard time feeling your chest working when you do chest exercises, THIS is the information you need.
Hand-Over-Hand Chin-Ups. A Unique Back Attack - THIS exercise is going to challenge you in a way that NO regular chin-up can.