Bodybuilding & Fitness Writers

The Fat Burning Secrets

Hottest Bodybuilders Videoclips

Jeff Anderson

Ever since my 10 years of active duty service in the U.S. Military, I've been on a never-ending search to discover the very BEST muscle-building and fat loss strategies on the face of the planet.

Sometimes that comes in the way of a recently released research report from a university or medical paper...and sometimes that comes from my very own research and performance trials!

But there's one bottom line "quality standard" I always strive for when it comes to development of ANY training information I release, and it comes down to one thing.

I believe that true "breakthroughs" come from real life EXPERIENCE...without the test tubes and with no electrodes hooked up to your skull!

It's in the real-life results not of the professional athletes who train for a paycheck...but rather the "Average Joe & Jane" out there who train because they're searching for a better body...and a better LIFE!

I draw my successes from much more than a cool looking graph...

I create programs that use as a measurement tool, the emotional pride a woman feels when she looks in the mirror at the progress she's made, and even her children notice how great she's looking...

I get my inspiration from the "every-day" quiet guy who always had a hard time taking off his shirt at the beach without embarrassment...but now walks around with pride as he draws stares for all the RIGHT reasons...

Or the woman who's battled her "shifting" body fat as she's had children or found time creeping up on her...but digs deep into her gut and pulls out the drive and determination to commit to just 1-2 hours a week to show her body who's the boss!

Yes, I may be known all around the globe as a "Muscle Nerd"...and it may fit...but I'm even MORE proud of my reputation as "Champion For The Average Joe & Jane"!


Combat The Fat. Fat Loss Secrets Of The U.S. Military
Both men and women will enjoy the challenging yet powerful workouts and a simple set of eating guidelines that will help you get in the best shape of your life while transforming your body into a real head-turner!


Advanced Mass Building
A 4-week program designed for the bodybuilder looking to take their mass building efforts to the next level, Advanced Mass Building offers an entirely new way of training that's being hailed by experts as "a training breakthrough that will put other muscle building programs to shame!"


Homemade Supplement Secrets
Tired of wasting money on expensive supplements? See how easy it is to save HUNDREDS of dollars on your muscle-building, fat-burning supplements by easily making them YOURSELF from simple ingredients you can find in any health food store, online, or even the local grocery!


Hardgainer Project X
The ultimate "mass builder" designed SPECIFICALLY for the "ectomorph" body type! GREAT before & after's of REAL skinny guy successes! Scientific discovery finally unlocks the "Genetic Code" that transforms Skinny Guys into Muscle-Bound Studs!


Best Abs Exercises Technique For 3-D Abs!

How To LOVE Training Your Legs!

4 Mental Tricks To Increase Your Bench Press By 20%!

How To Master Nutrient Timing For Faster Muscle Growth!

A FRUIT That Pumps Up Your Muscles With Nitric Oxide?

4 Beginner Bodybuilding Wake Up Calls

The # 1 Rule You MUST BREAK In Order To Build A Bigger Chest!

How To Build Bigger Biceps In 3 Easy Steps ANYONE Can Follow