Alfredo Franco-Obregon
Dr. Alfredo Franco-Obregón, research scientist, author, and owner of the Creatine Information Center and NSN Publishing.
Dr. Alfredo Franco-Obregón has had over 20 years of in depth research experience in major laboratories world-wide. His principal scientific interest is the understanding of the cellular mechanisms leading to muscle cell death.
Dr. Franco-Obregón is also the author of Creatine: A practical guide. Creatine: A practical guide clearly teaches you how to best combine exercise, nutrition, and intelligent creatine use for optimal muscle growth, improved athletic performance, and overall good health.
Creatine: A Practical Guide
Teaches how to safely combine creatine, nutrition and exercise for maximal muscle growth. Learn how to extract creatine's full range of benefits far beyond any previously available method. This safe and effective supplement will enhance your athletic performance in ways never before imagined.
Is Creatine Smart? - Does creatine supplementation influence mental acuity in humans?
The Creatine - Insulin Dilemma
Creatine: The Next Great Antioxidant? - Creatine possess' antioxidant properties and is able to effectively neutralize Superoxide, one of the more insidious free radicals produced by exercise.
Do Creatine & Beer Mix? - Alcohol creates a biochemical environment that could undermine with the benefits afforded by creatine.