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Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr. Olympia 1984-1991

Name:   Lee Marvin Haney
Born:   November 11, 1959, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Height:  5'11"
Current Residence:   Atlanta, Georgia

Lee Haney has one older brother, and two younger sisters. Father was a truck driver, mother was a housewife. Religion is Southern Baptist. Excelled in football when he was a teenager. Went to Broom High School; then to Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina where he accepted a scholarship to play football. Received a degree in Juvenile Corrections. Opened and owned two fitness centers by the time he was 21 years old. His gyms used to be called 'The Animal Kingdom', but now they are called Lee's World Class Fitness Centers. Met his wife Shirley at the age of six in second grade; and started his romantic relationship during the 9th grade. Has two children, Joshua and Olympia. 
Mr. Haney is an educator and trainer and works with many world-class athletes. He has served as a member of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports since December 1998. Mr. Haney owns two fitness centers in Atlanta and has been recognized by the President's Council on Physical Fitness, the United States Sports Academy and the International Federation of Bodybuilding. 
In 1994, Mr. Haney established Harvest House, a non-profit retreat facility for children on a forty-acre farm near Atlanta. Harvest House features nature tours, a petting zoo, and an eight-week summer camp for 12-15 year olds. Mr. Haney received a degree in youth counseling from Spartanburg Methodist College.
In January 1999, Lee was inducted into the Joe Weider's Bodybuilding Hall of Fame. 
1991 Mr. Olympia 1st
1990 Mr. Olympia 1st
1989 Mr. Olympia 1st
1988 Mr. Olympia 1st
1987 Grand Prix Essen 1st
1987 Mr. Olympia 1st
1986 Mr. Olympia 1st
1985 Mr. Olympia 1st
1984 Mr. Olympia 1st
1983 Grand Prix Caesars 1st
1983 Grand Prix World 2nd
1983 Grand Prix Sweden 2nd
1983 Grand Prix Switzerland 3rd
1983 Mr. Olympia 3rd
1983 Night of Champions 1st
1983 Pro World 3rd
1982 Mr. Universe 1st
1982 NPC Nationals 1st HW & Overall
1982 NPC Junior Nationals Overall
1982 Atlantic USA 1st
1980 Mr. USA 4th HW
1979 AAU Teenage America 1st
Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991
Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991
Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991 Lee Haney - Mr Olympia 1984-1991
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