Dorian Yates - Mr Olympia 1992 - 1997
Name: Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates
Born: April 19, 1962
Current Residence: Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, England
Nickname: The Shadow
Favorite Exercise: Bent-Over Rows
Height: 5'10" | Contest Weight: 265 lbs | Off Season Weight: 290 lbs
Official website: DorianYates.net
Dorian was raised in Hurley, in rural Staffordshire, just outside of Birmingham, England. Dorian grew up on a farm, or 'small holdings', as they call it in England. His mother was a horse riding instructor. Dorian has a sister named Lisa (five years younger) who is a teacher, and buys and sells horses, and competes on horses (which she qualified once for the National Championships in England). At the age of 13, Dorian lost his father (from a heart attack, at 42 years old). Growing up, Dorian was not involved in any sports. He moved back to the city of Birmingham from the farm at age 14 with his mother and sister after his mother met another man (who also died before they married).

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26 of the world's top bodybuilders, including Mr Olympia champion of '92 - Dorian "The Shadow" Yates
After this second tragedy, his mom went back to the country side, but Dorian stayed in the city (at 16 years old). He was in a gang in which he was considered a skin head, with a shaven head, steel toed boots; a cultural statement, not a racist statement. Dorian's music scene during the early years was the Clash, the Sex Pistols, PIL, etc. and on the weekends, he would go to the clubs to hang out. Dorian has lots of interesting job to pay the bills, including working in a slaughterhouse. Dorian was arrested at age 19, after a riot in which he was swept up by the police. Because of the arrest, and because England recognizes youth as being up to the age of 21, he was sentenced to six months at Whatton Youth Detention Center. It was in here that Dorian started powerlifting and was noticed by a guard that he was very strong, and where Dorian got his new direction in life.
He started training at a gym, a small dark gym in the cellar, and at age 21, competed in his first contest. In 1987, Dorian tore a muscle in his hip, had an operation and took a year off. In 1987, one year after he has won the British Championships Heavyweight Division, Dorian purchased Temple Gym, located in England.
He currently lives in Walmley. Sutton Coldfield, England with his wife Debbie and his son Lewis. Debbie and Dorian were married on November 2, 1991.
Retired from bodybuilding in 1998. Dorian is considered the #1 bodybuilder of the 1990's winning six Mr. Olympias before retiring from bodybuilding in 1998.
Dorian has a few nicknames, including the famous 'Shadow'. He is also called the 'British Bulldog', and the 'Beast of Britain'. His nickname 'Shadow' comes because Dorian would come to the shows, win the shows, then disappear back into his own world, them come back, compete, win, and disappear again. The Shadow comes and goes. This nickname came from Peter McGough, currently the editor of Flex Magazine, but was working for a British publication in 1988.
Dorian likes wildlife and has been on several safaris. Dorian would like to work with kids, and combine that with work with wildlife once he is retired, perhaps a shelter with animals with a facility with kids. At home, the family has two boxer dogs names Conan and Samson. In 1998, Dorian joined a company called Chemical Warefare (now Chemical Nutrition), and in 1999, launched his own line of supplements called 'Dorian Yates Approved'.
1997 Mr. Olympia 1st
1996 Grand Prix England 1st
1996 Grand Prix Germany 1st
1996 Grand Prix Spain 1st
1996 Mr. Olympia 1st
1995 Mr. Olympia 1st
1994 Mr. Olympia 1st
1994 Grand Prix England 1st
1994 Grand Prix Spain 1st
1994 Grand Prix Germany 1st
1993 Mr. Olympia 1st
1992 Grand Prix England
1992 Mr. Olympia 1st
1991 English Grand Prix 1st
1991 Mr. Olympia 2nd
1991 Night of Championships 1st
1990 Night of Champions 2nd
1988 British Championships 1st
1986 EFBB British HW 1st (in London)
1985 World Games 7th (London)
1985 Novice West Coast (England) 1st
1984 Mr. Birmingham novice 1st
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