
The Fat Burning Secrets

Hottest Bodybuilders Videoclips

Yumon Eaton

Yumon Eaton

Name: Yumon Eaton
Born: December 31, 1986
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 205

I have always been interested in sports, football especially. As a child I was always too small and fragile to play though. My mother feared that I would get hurt. When I got in high school and I was able to make a few decisions on my own, however, I decided to join the football team.

After my first year I was told by my coach that he would be moving me from cornerback to running back. I knew that I would need to gain some weight if I were to play running back at the varsity level, since I only weighed about 115lbs. I tried eating and various weight gaining plans, but nothing seemed to work. I have always had a super-fast metabolism, so eating alone wasn't going to get it. I knew what I needed to do, so I turned to weight training.

Monday - Chest & Triceps
Tuesday - Back & Biceps
Wed - Off
Thursday - Shoulders & Traps
Friday - Legs

Nothing specific...Just lots and lots of protein in the form of meat...I go to the China Buffet two or three times a week and just eat as much meat (chicken & beef) as I can.


I stick to the basics...weigh protein, amino acids, glutamine, etc.

Best Lifts:

DeadLift - 610 lbs

Contest History:

NPC South Florida Championships
(Teen Division) -1st Overall

Florida Strongman Championships 2008
(200 lbs Class) - 2nd

Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton
Yumon Eaton

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