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Steve Stanley - The Art of Steve Stanley

Creating art professionally since 1982, former Knoxville, Tennessee native, Steve Stanley continues his career as a freelance artist traditionally illustrating on the drawing board and more recently combining his style of art with the addition of digital techniques. His artwork has been reproduced numerous times and appeared on book jackets, trading cards, posters, t-shirts, and on various popular licensed merchandise.

Steve credits the influences of many artists for developing his interest and prolonged passion for art, they are: N.L. Stanley, Leo Sage, Charles Williams, Mike Grell, J.C. Lyendecker, Burt Silverman, Reynold Brown, Drew Struzan, Thomas Blackshear III, Nancy Stahl, Steve Grey, Tim Williams, Paul Calle, Daniel Green, Adam Hughes, Andrew Loomis, Dick Nesbitt, Steve Stanford, Sebastian Kruger, John Pound, John Johns, and Mort Drucker.

Click on the image to enlarge

Photos courtesy of Steve Stanley at

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